SEBA HSLC Question Paper 2023 PDF

1. Choose the correct answer:

(a) ______ adds the IP address of the sender and the destination to each packet so that it reaches the correct destination.

i) TCP/IP (ⅱ) Protocol

(iii) Internet Protocol (IP) (iv) TCP

(b) Angry or heated messages are called _____

(i) Netiquettes (ii) Temper

(iii) Flames (iv) Alert

(c) ______ format is best suited for images with transparency or low color count.

(i) PNG (ii) JPEG

(iii) GIF (iv) None of these

(d) To send an e-mail,______  is required before the address.

(i) src (ii) link

(iii) ‘mailto’ (iv) none of these

2. Fill in the blanks:

(a) ______was designed to store, carry, and exchange data.

(b) ______statement is used to write text on the webpage.

(c) An early exit from a loop can be accomplished by using the _____ statement.

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

(a) The UPDATE TABLE command is used to modify the table structure.

(b) Computer viruses include malware, spam, worms and spyware.

(c) A malware is a program capable of reproducing and spreading itself to another computer system, usually by means of a computer network.

4. Answer the following questions in one word:

(a) This is a group that is responsible for developing and maintaining communication protocols, resolving problems, and coordinating new services. What is it called?

(b) It is one or more lines of text containing the sender’s full name and address or whatever information he/she wishes to send with the e-mail message. What is it called?

(c) It is a protocol that an e-mail client uses to download e-mails from an e-mail server. It is designed to let users keep their e-mails on the server. What is it called?

(d) It is a unidirectional pointer from the source document that contains the link to some destination within the same webpage, a different webpage, or even a different website. What is it called?

(e) It is a statement that can only be used to compare an expression against a constant. What is it called?

(f) It is the third expression of a for loop that updates the variable number each time the loop is executed. What is it called?

(g) These are the rules that help to ensure the validity of the data while entering it into a table. What is it called?

(h) It is a clause that can be used in a SELECT statement to display only the unique values of a table. What is it called?

5. Answer any twelve of the following questions.

(a) Write short notes on a web server with some suitable examples.

(b) What are the rules for naming a Javascript variable?

(c) What is a Digital Middleman?

(d) Explain various components of a search engine.

(e) Differentiate between text-align and vertical-align properties. What values can be assigned to these properties?

(f) What is the use of the target attribute? Mention different values that can be assigned to the target attribute.

(g) What are the limitations of placing a comment in an XML document?

(h) What do you mean by entity? What are the two types of entities?

(i) What are data types? What are the different types of data types available in Javascript?

(j) What is SQL?

(k) What is the difference between ALTER and UPDATE commands in SQL?

(l) What are the rules for naming a table in MySQL?

(m) What is a Computer worm?

(n) Mention any two uses of ICT in hospitals.

(o) What is the Digital divide?

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