HSLC Computer Science Question Paper 2024 (SEBA)

The High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) examination, conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA), holds significant importance for students in Assam, India. Among the various subjects, Computer Science stands out as a crucial subject in the contemporary digital age. This blog will provide Answers to the HSLC Computer Science Question Paper 2024 (SEBA) examination. Let’s delve into the questions and provide insightful answers to aid students in their preparations.

HSLC Computer Science Question Paper 2024 PDF

HSLC Computer Science Question Paper 2024 (SEBA)

1.  Choose the correct answer:

(a) An access point is used to connect

(i) wire full network

(ii) wireless network

(iii) other network

(iv) All of the above

Ans: Wireless network.

(b) The ____ document. section contains the information about the HTML


(ii) HEAD

(ii) BODY

(iv) HTML

Ans: HEAD.

(c) The number of columns denotes the ____ of the table.

(i) cardinality

ii) degree

(iii) attribute

iv) field

Ans: Degree.

d) ___ displays only the important information by hiding the implementation part.

(i) Inheritance

(ii) Encapsulation

(iii) Abstraction

(iv) Polymorphism

Ans: Abstraction.

2. Fill in the blanks:

a) MAC address is composed of ___  hexadecimal digit(s).

Ans: 12

b) ___ is a scripting language that is widely used to add functionality and interactivity to web pages.

Ans: Javascript.

c) In MySQL, data validation can be ensured through ____ while entering data in a table.

Ans: Constraints.

d) ____ is the process of hiding unwanted data, such as restricting access to any member of an object.

Ans: Encapsulation

3. State whether the following statements are True or False:

a) An IP address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller. 

Ans: True.

b) OR operator requires that all the conditions to be true for inclusion in the result. 

Ans: False.

c) The initialization expression contains the statements that need to be executed in each iteration of the loop. 

Ans: False.

d) A pointer can be used to point an integer only. 

Ans: False.

4. Answer the following questions in one word each :

a) This command is used to verify the connectivity between two computers. What is the command here?

Ans: Ping command.

b) It is a numerical label that is assigned to network devices to identify them uniquely. What is it called?

Ans: IP Address.

c) It is the information to be displayed on the screen like text, pictures, audio, video, etc. What is it called?

Ans: Content.

d) This is a list of items, with a description of each item. What is it called?

Ans: List.

e) This attribute is used to define the address of the file to be linked. What is the attribute here?

Ans: Href.

f) It is an organized collection of structured information stored electronically in a computer system. What is it called?

Ans: Database.

g) It is the command used to display complete information about the fields defined in a table. What is the command here?

Ans: Describe.

(h) It can be defined as a programming model which is based upon the concept of calling procedure. What is it called?

Ans: Procedural.

5. Answer the following questions:

a) What is network protocol?

Ans: A network protocol is a set of rules and conventions governing communication between devices on a network. It defines the format, timing, sequencing, and error control for data transmission.

b) What is TCP?

Ans: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-oriented protocol that provides reliable and ordered delivery of data between devices on a network. It ensures that data packets are delivered accurately and in the correct order.

c) What is an HTML editor? What are its types?

Ans: An HTML editor is a software tool used to create and edit HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) documents. Types of HTML editors include text-based editors, WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors, and online HTML editors.

d) What is the LIKE operator in MySQL?

Ans: The LIKE operator in MySQL is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern within a column. It allows the use of wildcards such as ‘%’ (matches any string of zero or more characters) and ‘_’ (matches any single character).

e) Explain list elements in HTML.

Ans: List elements in HTML are used to create lists of items. There are two main types: ordered lists (<ol>) and unordered lists (<ul>). Each list item is represented by the <li> tag.

f) What are the attributes of table tags?

Ans: Attributes of the <table> tag in HTML include attributes for specifying border, cell-padding, cell-spacing, width, height, and other properties related to the presentation and structure of the table.

g) What is the use of the BETWEEN clause in MySQL?

Ans: The BETWEEN clause in MySQL is used to specify a range to test whether a value lies within that range. It is often used in a WHERE clause to filter results based on a specified range of values.

h) Why do we use arrays in computer programs? Write the indices of the second and the last elements of the following array declaration:

Ans: Arrays are used in computer programs to store and manipulate collections of data of the same type. Indices of the second and last elements of the array declaration “char city[8] = {‘G’, ‘U’, ‘W’, ‘A’, ‘H’, ‘A’, ‘T’, ‘T’}” are city[1] and city[7].

i) What is a user-defined function? Give an example.

Ans: A user-defined function is a custom function created by the programmer to perform specific tasks within a program. Example:

j) What is dynamic memory allocation?

Ans: Dynamic memory allocation is the process of allocating memory during the execution of a program. It allows programs to request memory dynamically from the operating system and release it when no longer needed. 

k) What will be the output of the following program?

Ans: 356

l) What is the difference between top-down and bottom-up approaches in programming?

Ans: Top-down programming starts with a high-level overview and breaks the problem into smaller subproblems, while bottom-up programming begins with solving individual components and then integrating them into a larger solution.

6. Answer the following questions:

a) What are the rules for naming a table in MySQL?

Ans: Rules for naming a table in MySQL:

  • Table names must begin with a letter (a-z, A-Z) or an underscore (_).
  • Subsequent characters in the table name can be letters, underscores, digits (0-9), or dollar signs ($).
  • Table names are case-insensitive on most platforms but can be case-sensitive on some platforms depending on the underlying operating system.
  • Table names should not be the same as any MySQL-reserved keywords or functions.

b) Draw a flowchart for finding the total number of even numbers from a series of numbers.


c) What is a global variable in C? Why do we need such a variable?

Ans: A global variable in C is a variable that is declared outside of any function and can be accessed and modified by any function within the same program.

We use global variables to share data among different functions in a program without needing to pass the data as function arguments. However, the use of global variables should be minimized because they can lead to code that is difficult to understand and maintain, especially in larger programs where the scope of the variables may not be immediately obvious. Additionally, global variables can be modified by any part of the program, making it harder to track down bugs and unintended side effects.

7. Answer the following questions:

a) What is the use of <input> tag? Write the syntax of <input> tag. What are its attribute values?

Ans: The <input> tag in HTML is used to create an input control element, such as a text field, checkbox, radio button, or submit button, within an HTML form.

Syntax of <input> tag:

Attribute values of <input> tag:

  • type: Specifies the type of input control (e.g., text, password, checkbox, radio, submit, etc.).
  • name: Specifies the name of the input control, which is used to identify the input data when the form is submitted.
  • value: Specifies the initial value of the input control.

b) Write a C program to print “I read in class X under SEBA” five times using loop.


c) What are the inner and outer loops? How can we terminate the outer loop from a block of the inner loop?

Ans: Inner loop: A loop that is nested within another loop is called an inner loop.

Outer loop: The loop in which the inner loop is nested is called the outer loop.

In C, you can use a labeled statement along with the break statement to terminate the outer loop from within the block of the inner loop. Here is an example:

8. Answer the following questions:

a) Create a table ‘Coach’ in a database ‘Games’ with the following fields:


b) Add data into the table as follows:


c) Write a query for the following (any three):

i) Display the maximum and minimum salaries of the coaches.


ii) Display the number of male and female coaches.


iii) Display the details of all coaches having names ending with T.


iv) Display the details of all coaches whose DOJ is in the range 1995-01-01 to 2005-01-01.


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