Question Bank For Class 10 SEBA Answer

Computer Class 10 Sample Paper 1

1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) The number of _____ denotes the degree of the table.

(b) An MYSQL statement is terminated by a _____.

(c) ______ attribute of the frame tag attaches the default URL

(d) A collection of related elements is called ______.

(e) The ____ tag draws a horizontal line across the web page.

2. State whether the following statements are True or False.

(a) We can use at most three loops in a single C program.

(b) Only the first statement inside the do-while loop executes when the condition is false.

(c) In a do-while loop, the condition is written at the end of the loop.

3. Answer the following Questions:

(a) What is a markup language?

(b) Write the history of HTML

(c) Differentiate between the <OL>and<UL> tags.

(d) What is the use of a type attribute with an unordered list?

(e) What are frames? How are they useful?

(f) What is the use of the <INPUT tag?

(g) Who were the developers of MYSQL?

(h) What is the query to display all the records in a table?

(i) What is data-hiding?

(j) What is polymorphism?

(k) Name two procedure-oriented programming languages.

(l) Define the padding property.

4. Answer the following questions:

(a) Why hostname not be used to identify a computer network?

(b) Why is MYSQL becoming so popular? Give two reasons.

(c) What are the rules for naming a table in MYSQL?

5. What is a nested loop? Why do we use nested loops in our program?

6. Write a short note on ‘Loop’.

7. Write any two limitations of arrays. Can you store your name and roll number in the same array?

8. Write a ‘C’ program and define a recursive function to find the sum of first ‘N’ natural numbers

Computer Class 10 Sample Paper 2

1. Choose the correct answer:

(a) Which device is required to connect multiple heterogeneous networks?

(i) Hub (ii) Switch

(iii) Router (iv) Access point

(b) IP address can be automatically assigned if the network is connected with:

(i) Access point (ii) Mail server

(iii) Web server (iv) DHCP server

(c) How many bytes are reserved for OUI in a MAC address?

(i) 3 (ii) 8 (iii) 24 (iv) 12

(d) What is the full form of HTTP?

(i) Hypertext Transparent Protocol

(ii) Hypertechnology Transfer Protocol

(iii) Hypertext Transister Protocol

(iv) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

(e) What is the full form of TCP?

(i) Transmission Control Protocol

(ii) Transmission Control Program

(iii) Transmission Control Proposal

(f) Choose the correct C statement regarding the for loop for 

(i) for loop works exactly the first time.

(ii) for loop works an infinite number of times.

(iii) Compiler error

(iv) none of the above

(g) An array is a collection of:

(i) Different data types

(ii) Same data types

(iii) Both (i) and (ii)

(iv) None of the above

(h) The objects of an array are called

(i) Elements of an array

(ii) Index of an array

(iii) Size of an array

(iv) List of an array

2. Fill in the blanks:

(a) The hostname command is used to display ____.

(b) The length of an IPv4 and an IPv6 is ____.

(c) An access point is used to connect

(d) The ping command is used to ____.

(e) HTTPS transfers ____ data.

(f) An array is a collection of _____.

(g) The objects of an array are called _____.

(h) Array elements are stored in _____.

(i) An array cannot be initialized if they are _____.

(j) The set of consecutive memory locations is called _____.

3. Write True or False:

(a) If the condition of the while loop is false, the control comes to the second statement inside the loop.

(b) We can use at most three loops in a single C program.

(c) The statements inside the do-while loop execute at least once, even if the condition is false.

(d) Only the first statement inside the do-while loop executes when the condition is false.

(e) In a do-while loop, the condition is written at the end of the loop.

4. Short answer questions:

(a) Can we compare HTTP and FTP protocols? Mention their functionality.

(b) What is the switch?

(c) What are the two types of IP addresses?

(d) Write the difference between Hub and switch.

(e) Why do we use a loop in a C program?

(f) Name different portions of a for loop.

(g) What is a nested loop? Why does one use nested loops in our programs?

(h) Do we need to use the same type of loops as outer and inner loops?

(i) Define arrays. Why do we use arrays in computer programs?

(j) Write the indices of the first and last element of the following array declaration.

Char city [7] ={‘S’, ‘T’, ‘L’, ‘C’, ‘H’, ‘A’, ‘R’}

(k) What is a global variable in C? Why do we need such a variable?

(l) When do we call a function user-defined? Is printf() a user-defined function?

5. Long answer questions :

(a) What are the different types of functions in C? Differentiate among them.

(b) Write C programs to display the following patterns using the nested loop construct:

4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

(c) Write a C program to find the sum of the following series.


(d) Mention the names of components required to set up a MAN network. Draw a block diagram of a MAN network, labeling the name of each component.

Computer Class 10 Sample Paper 3

1. Answer the following questions:

(a) This Clause is used to search the data within the range (specified lower and upper limit). What is the name of the clause?

(b) This operator displays only those records that do not satisfy the specified condition. What is the name of the operator? 

2. Fill in the Blanks:

(a) The ping command is used to _____.

(b) The ___ element includes both on and off tags. 

(c) A list inside another list is called ____.

d) The number of column _____ denotes the degree of the table. 

(e) A MySQL statement is terminated by a _____.

3. Choose the correct option:

(a) IP address can be automatically assigned if the network is connected with:

i. Access Point ii. Mail server

iii. Web Server iv. DHCP Server

() Which of the following is used to define the style for a single HTML page?

i. Inline CSS ü. Internal CSS

iii. External CSS iv. None of these

(c) What is the output of the C Program?

int main()


int a-25;



printf(“%d “, a);



return 0;


i. 25 25 25 ii. 25 26 27

iii. 27 27 27 iv. Compiler error

(d) Which loop is faster in C Language, for, while, or Do While?

i) for ii) while iii) do while iv) All work at the same speed

4. Answer the following questions:

(a) What is the basic difference between POP and SMTP?

(b) What is the use of TCP?

(c) What is Cascading Style Sheet?

(d) Define Padding property.

(e) Write the syntax for using list-style-type property.

(f) Flow are images added in an HTML document.

(g) What is the need of a global variable?

(h) What is data abstraction?

(i) What will be the output of the following code segment:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int weeks = 1, days_in_week = 7;

for (int i = 1; i <= weeks; i++) {

printf(“Week: %d\n”, i);

for (int j = 1; j <= days_in_week; j++) {

printf(“Day: %d\n”, j);



return 0;


5. Answer the following questions:

(a) What is the use of ARP protocol and ping command?

(b) What is the working principle of TCP and IP?

(c) Write any two features of HTML.

(d) Write the uses of unordered lists and description lists in HTML.

(e) What is a constraint? Name any two constraints.

(f) What are the rules for naming a table in MySQL?

(g) List the Relational Operators used in MySQL.

(h) What is the meaning of COUNT () and COUNT(*)?

(i) Write a C program to display the elements of the odd positions.

(j) Define data hiding and data binding.

(k) Define object and class.

(l) What is the output of the following code segment:

int *ptr, x=9;


int y= ++(*ptr);

printf(“\n%d”, y);

6. Answer the following questions:

(a) Write a C program to find the summation of the digits of an integer.

(b) Write a C program and declare an integer-type array with 7 elements in it. Display the address of the individual elements in the array.

(c) Write a C program to display the string characters.

(d) Write a C program and define a recursive function to find the summation of first N natural numbers.

(f) Explain the five categories of SQL commands.

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